Beaver football to play game and learn culture in Italy

By Rustin Pickett, sports information assistant
May 10, 2005

Bluffton University football BLUFFTON, Ohio - The Bluffton University football team will be expanding its wings as they prepare to leave for a two week excursion in Italy. There will be a total of 55 people attending the trip who include football players, coaches, students, faculty and wives. The group will depart for Italy on May 10.

Shortly after arrival, the Beavers will partake in a football game against an Italian national team. Game day is set for May 14 in Trieste, Italy. To put in perspective the level of competition, the Italian national team is equal to a semi-pro team in the United States. Following the game the players will exchange gifts during the dinner celebration to share a part of their home country's culture.

The group will touch ground in Milan, but will reside in Venice. After a night on the gridiron, the Beavers will start touring and exploring new things for the educational component of the trip. Each student will receive four hours of cross-cultural credit, which is a requirement for graduation at Bluffton. Over the two weeks the students will tour around 10 different cities, which include Florence, Naples, Assisi and Rome. There will be two lectures, daily journal entries and some project questions to be finished for a final grade upon the teams return.

This opportunity to play overseas was made possible by Global Football, who coordinates trips for amateur athletes.

Football trip itinerary May 10-25
May 10   Departure day - overnight flight to Italy
May 11   Arrival in Italy - transfer to Venice
May 12   Venice sightseeing tour and football practice
May 13   Football practice and free day in Venice
May 14   Football game and postgame party
May 15   Transfer to Florence
May 16   Florence sightseeing tour
May 17   Tour Pisa and Florence
May 18   Transfer to Assisi - Siena sightseeing walk
May 19   Visit the Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi
May 20   Transfer to Sorrento region
May 21   Transfer to Rome via Pompeii
May 22   Rome sightseeing - Visit the Coliseum and Roman Forum
May 23   Rome sightseeing - Visit the Vatican and Sistine Chapel
May 24   Free day in Rome - awards dinner
May 25   Return flight to United States